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Guðrið Poulsen

Guðrið Poulsen, Ceramist

Born 1961 in Tórshavn, Føroyar

Studio from 1987 in Varðagøta 1, Tórshavn


Finland 1982-82 Västra Nylands Folk High School, Karis: Ceramics

Iceland 1984-86 Icelandic Art and Crafts School (Myndlista-og handíðaskóli Íslands):

Represented at The National Galery. The Faroese Goverment. The Faroese Parliament .Dansk / Faroese

Culture Fund. Listafelag Føroya. The Nordic House in The Faroe Islands. Tórshavn Muncipality.

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Torsdag 12.00-17.30

Fredag 12.00 - 17:30

Lørdag 10.00 - 13.00

Torvet 2, 6100 Haderslev

Tlf: 22 28 88 54

Galleri ARTC
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